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Hives of the Hamptons are alive and well. (Photo credit: Doug Young)

The problem with contributing writer Charity Robey is she just writes too many awesome things. A curious person who, as a member of the Culinary Historians of New York, is no stranger to deep dives into the past, present and future of her favorite topic — food — she seeks out stories and subjects unique to the East End, and always such a pleasure to get lost in.

I couldn’t decide which of these two pieces I liked better: Robey’s fascinating conversations with South Fork bee keepers and how their buzzy little charges (shot by Doug Young) do what they do, or the siren song of striped bass that keeps local anglers wading into local waters year after year, and the action-packed pics from Jeremy Garretson.

If you missed them in the August and September/October issues, grab a comfy seat and start reading or listening to bee or bass pods here.