The history of artists on the East End goes back decades upon decades. The natural beauty, the seasonal changing of the light and its play on our waters, the rich moments of quiet and solitude. It’s a winning combination of fertile creative ground that’s not only inspired some of the most well-known and renowned artists in history and currently working (and the institutions that celebrate their works) but it continues to give root to more.

It’s a special aspect of the region not lost on Aandrea Carter, owner of the Ram’s Head Inn on Shelter Island — and this Friday, Oct. 4, she’s channeling her own inspiration and love of the arts to host a special salon for local creators.
The first annual Great Lawn & Art Soirée will bring together about a dozen or more local artists, showing their work (some even working live, in real time) on the grounds of the Ram’s Head.

At Carter’s invitation (which, she says, is still open — interested artists should reach out to her at the Ram’s Head), local painters, photographer, sketchers and sculptors have been invited to show their work for free, set up as individual little open-air galleries scattered around the property.
“It’s an art walk! You’ll be able to walk the grounds and see all the different local artists. Many prepared special new works just for this event,” Carter says. “Since I became owner of the Ram’s Head, I’ve been saying that, to me, the Ram’s Head is something of a salon – we love featuring different types of artistry. We’ve done fireside chats with authors, music, poetry. I really feel that it’s great artists who have molded and shaped our community on the East End.”

The free event runs from 6 to 8 p.m., with wine and nibbles circulating gratis for those who attend and interact with the artists on hand — the likes of photographer Adam Bundy, painter Connie Abate, multi-media artist Roz Dimon, abstract artist Laurie Dolphin, as well as the managing director of Art for Change and creator of wearable art, Ariel Adkins.
“What makes Shelter Island so special is it did become a haven for artists and other great thinkers and what I like to call imaginators because of the natural beauty and space to pursue their work,” says Carter. “Painters, writers poets, scientists – the Ram’s Head in has here supporting these creators for a hundred years, and we should always be featuring these people who have made this 100 years of history so special.”
Although the event is free, RSVPs are requested by calling 631-749-0811. The Ram’s Head Inn is located at 108 Ram Island Drive, Shelter Island.