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An indelible imprint was made on East End food by chef Starr Boggs. (Photo courtesy of Judy Carroll)

There’s a lot of focus on what’s new in the Hamptons. New shops, new restaurants, new chefs. New, new, new. This focus on what’s coming down the pike can crowd out the stories of the people who got us here to begin with (and wow, is that a rabbit hole).

When it comes to the current culinary scene, Starr Boggs was a pivotal figure not just in what we ate, but in who was influenced by him behind those swinging kitchen doors. I’d actually really wanted to write this piece myself, but in my gut I knew that the wonderful writer Charity Robey was the right person to get to the heart of Boggs’s story and influence.

She did it with two words: crab cakes.

And, of course, through a feast of insight, interviews and stories that honored the East End chef who died in the spring of 2022.

Chefs Jack Clark of Daphne’s and Tim Trill of the Westhampton Country Club were deeply influenced by working alongside Boggs. Seen here standing in front of Boggs’s former eponymous restaurant, now Fauna. (Photo credit: Doug Young)

Read the story here.