Eccentric Bagel, the sole bagel store located on Shelter Island, is holding a special initiative tomorrow in response to the attacks from the terrorist group Hamas on the nation of Israel 10 days ago.
Tomorrow, October 18, the bagel shop will be donating all the day’s profits to support the volunteer emergency organization United Hatzalah of Israel to support their campaign for emergency equipment along with life-saving assistance.

With over 6,500 volunteers across the nation of Israel, United Hatzalah, a community-based, volunteer emergency medical service organization, “launched an emergency appeal to raise funds for desperately needed supplies to provide the volunteers with the equipment they need to save lives and the protective equipment to keep themselves safe,” says a press release from Eccentric Bagel.
The picking of the date for this special initiative isn’t totally random. “For Jews the world over the number 18 has long enjoyed a special status,” writes Gavriel Rosenfeld for Forward Association, Inc.
“In Jewish liturgy, the prayer known as the Amidah is also called the “Shmoneh Esreh” (“the 18”), referring to the number of separate blessings that originally comprised the prayer. In the Jewish numerological tradition of gematria, the number 18 has long been viewed as corresponding to the Hebrew word “chai,” meaning “alive” (derived by adding the eighth and tenth letters of the Hebrew alphabet chet and yud).
Open for about a year and a half, the Eccentric Bagel is the first dedicated bagel store on “The Rock.” Husband and wife owners Darryn (who makes the bagels) and Amy Weinstein have made it their mission to bring the island a bevy of beautiful bagels, from the steadfast classics like sesame and everything to the unique and (dare we say!) eccentric like kalamata olive and maple cinnamon crunch.

They also offer delicious all-day breakfast sandwiches, plus a slew of specialty and build-your-own lunch sandwiches and wraps along with sweet treats, salads, drinks and sides. To check out their online menu, click here.
For the Weinsteins, the initiative was a no brainer. “As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I cannot stand idly by,” says Darryn, “so taking the store into consideration, it’s one of the ways I can give back.”
Eccentric Bagel is located at 25 West Neck Road, Shelter Island, 631-749-5363.