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The East Hampton Healthcare Foundation will sponsor a free community Health Fair at the St. Luke’s Church Hoie Hall meeting room (18 James Lane, East Hampton) on Friday, February 7, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.


Highlights will include flu shots, glucose exams, HIV and Hepatitis C testing, blood pressure screenings, and applications for colorectal screenings. Also available will be appointments for no-cost mammogram and pap smear tests for uninsured women over the age of 40.


Representatives and information will be on hand from health insurance organizations, Sun River Health Care, OLA of Eastern Long Island, SNAP (food stamp information and applications), the Town of East Hampton Human Services department, and YES COMHPS mental health resources. Attendees will have the opportunity to speak with a nutrition educator from Cornell Cooperative Extension.


Healthy refreshments will be served. The entire community is invited to attend.