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It’s finally opening! Get ready for the new Southampton BuddhaBerry. (Photo credit: Melissa Azofeifa)

Southampton Village is always cool, but this summer its newest storefront is sweat-proof.

BuddhaBerry, the popular frozen yogurt shop based out of Sag Harbor for the last decade, is taking over the space on Hampton Road that was home to the Blue Duck Bakery. 

 Co-owner Natalie Jones says the goal is to open the new location by June 28, pending inspections. 

Customers will immediately recognize that they’re walking into BuddhaBerry, but with a new twist. 

“We’re slightly changing up the color palette a little bit so it’s going to have its own vibe,” she says. 

Nancy Passaretti started the business in 2014 because she wanted healthier snacking alternatives for her four children. In 2022, she retired and sold the business to a group of friends ready to let the frozen treats freeze moments in time.

“We wanted to make sure that the BuddhaBerry tradition stayed in the Hamptons,” Jones says. “One of the things that we love about what Nancy created is it’s more than a fro-yo shop and we learned that as we were talking to customers. It’s really a place where they come, they congregate with their friends and family. They’re building their summer memories.”

Staying true to that tradition the Southampton location will be offering vegan, dairy-free and gluten-free frozen yogurt options along with hundreds of mouthwatering toppings as well as candy for those with a sweeter tooth. 

The popular triple cookie smash up will remain on the menu at the Southampton Village store, some of their most popular toppings like toasted quinoa or sunflower seeds. The store will also offer smoothies, waffles and crepes.

Last summer, the group launched ‘BuddhaBerry on Wheels’ a truck available for private and community events starting May of every year. The truck has self-serve frozen yogurt and candy toppings, similar to the store.

“It was just a great, well-received new venture for us,” Jones says. “We really loved seeing all the joy that we brought to customers when we were able to come homes with the truck.”

The truck helped the group of owners learn how far Buddhaberry’s reach really is, which helped them land on Southampton as a logical second location.

“We’ve learned how many people from Quogue, Westhampton and Southampton really loved Buddhaberry and even though it was located in Sag Harbor, many would tell us ‘we’ll drive out to Sag Harbor on a Friday evening with the traffic to get our BuddhaBerry fix,” she says. 

The Southampton location will have enough seating for 15 fro-yo lovers. For those in search of the perfect gift, the store will also expand its collection of retail items such as toys for kids like Crazy Aarons thinking putty, their Stella Bartlett jewelry line and more.

“We have a wide variety, anything from pajamas to candles to jewelry, we have a little bit of everything,” Jones says. “We’re trying to make it like a one stop shop for people.” 

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