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Blurring the line between concert, dance, and music performance, Music From The Sole is a tap dance and live music company that celebrates tap’s roots in the African diaspora. Co-founders composer and bassist Gregory Richardson and Brazilian tap dancer and choreographer Leonardo Sandoval, draw from Afro-Brazilian, jazz, soul, house, rock, and Afro-Cuban styles.

After multiple residencies through Guild Hall’s William P. Rayner Artists-in-Residence program, the company will share a preview of their newest work, House Is Open, Going Dark culminating the company’s technical residency at Guild Hall.

This program is part of the inaugural DANCE OUT EAST festival, taking place January 9, 10, and 11. A collaboration between Guild Hall, The ChurchThe Watermill Center, and Works & Process, DANCE OUT EAST provides unique insight into the process and preparation of new choreographed works that will sequence into the Works & Process Underground Uptown Dance Festival at the Guggenheim Museum.