Wades Beach on Shelter Island will be the sandy stage for what many consider the best end-of-the-season party of the year on Saturday, September 7 from 3 p.m. to midnight: the Shelter Island Beach Blast! This year marks the 28th year of this charity event, which benefits the Island Gift of Life Foundation.
The lineup will include Gene Casey & the Lone Sharks, the HooDoo Loungers, The Realm, Alfredo Merat & New Europa, Mama Rose & Friends, New Dawn and the fabulous Starlight Girls. Also on hand in the go-go cages will be the world famous Teenie Wahinis.
Liz Joyce of Goat on a Boat Puppet Theater will entertain the kids. Food trucks and homemade barbecue will be available. Bring beach blankets and sweaters.
Admission for the event is a suggested donation of $20 and parking is free.
For more information, go to sibeachblast.com or islandgiftoflife.org.