It’s not the Kentucky Derby. It’s not even the Soapbox Derby, but in many ways it’s more fun.
That is if last year’s Shelter Island Chamber of Commerce Duck Race is any judge.
Tomorrow Sunday, August 25, a water fall of yellow rubber ducks will be dropped into Chase Creek from Bridge Street to compete in the second annual running — or waddling — of the race.
Islanders and visitors can feel like one of the swells at a big race owning one of the thoroughbreds by sponsoring a Rubber Ducky for $20. First prize is 10 percent of the proceeds, second will bring in 5 percent and the third place winner will walk away with 2.5 percent of the proceeds.
Prizes for winners will also be for the percent of Rubber Ducky numbers sold. To get into the race, ducks can be purchased from the Shelter Island Chamber of Commerce by going to and paying via PayPal, calling the Chamber at 877-893-2290.
The family fun starts at 3 p.m. Sunday in Volunteer Park on Bridge Street.